- 1. You must know the person you are dealing with. Most company that hires employee do not offer to employ you directly, just to sell you training and materials and to look for customers for your work.2. Do not be a dime a dozen. Managing a business is just like any other business which requires hard work, skill, good products or services, and time to make a profit. Additionally, there is no such thing as sitting on a rackin’ chair and just waiting for the time of giving checks.3. Be observant and cautious about the emails you are receiving that includes an offering of work at home opportunities. Most of these acts are deceptive.
- 3. 4. Put into practice the so called “know and pay”. You have to know first everything in detailed before making a plan or action to a certain situation.5. Find a picture paints a thousand words. Claims that there are customers for work such as medical billing and craft making may not be true. If the company says it has customers waiting, ask who they are and contact them to confirm. To make an assurance, ask likely customers in your area if they actually hire people to do work at home.6. Get references for other people who are doing the work. Ask them if the company kept its promises.
- 4. 7. Check of about legal requirements. There are works that cannot do at home and requires some license or certificate that proves you are an authorized person to the work. Check with your state attorney general’s office. Ask your local zoning board if there are any restrictions on operating a business from your home. Some types of work cannot be done at home under federal law. Look for the nearest U.S. Department of Labor in the government listings of your phone book.8. Know the return and exchange policy. If you have to buy equipment or supplies, ask whether and under what circumstances you can return them for a refund.9. Get rid off the old envelop stuffing scheme. This is a usual scam in which instead of getting materials to send out on behalf of a company, they will give you instructions and will ask you to send them a money for information about working at home, considered as an illegal for the reason that there is no real product or service being offered.
- 5. 10. Be cautious of the statement: Advance on your pay. This is just their intro into their long tragic story to have an audience and be their listener and soon be their member on the very theatric act. Possibly, they will give you a check for part of your first month’s pay. You deposit it, and the bank tells you the check has cleared because the normal time has passed to be notified that checks have bounced. Then, the criminal will ask you to return a portion of the payment for some different reason. After sending the money back, the check that you deposited finally bounces because it turned out to be an intricate forged. Now the criminal have your payment, and you’re left owing your bank the amount that you withdrew. 11. Make your own research about work-at home opportunities. Look for reviews, articles or even magazines that can give you an advice or tips on how to determine whether the work is accurate or forged. Ask also some of the persons that is same with the profession of the said employer and to really check if there is alike work of your employer’s offering. Before you make an application, reassure all the important information of the employer that you can work with. The in- detailed identification of the company or of the employer in which you can hold, when something wrong happen.
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